Pima county resources – How to find records, file papers, and get help for children, seniors and others.

The Arizona ACLU has a list of services at https://www.acluaz.org/en/about/additional-resources
Pima County Clerk of the Superior Court
(520) 724-3200 http://www.cosc.pima.gov/
110 West Congress St Tucson, Arizona 85701
This is where you go to get a marriage license, a protective order, file for divorce, file a lawsuit in superior court, file probate papers and get copies of marriage and divorce records. Fees are always changing so check the clerk’s website for a link to a list of the latest fees. The website has self-service forms in English and Spanish and also information about the courts. https://www.sc.pima.gov/ If you are doing your own divorce, see my article, Divorce Steps.
Birth and Death Records
Pima County Health Dept. Office of Vital Records – 3950 S. Country Club Road, Suite 100, Tucson, AZ 85714 (520) 724-7932 Arizona birth and death records. Order them in person or on the website. https://webcms.pima.gov/health/personal_records/birth_death_certificates/
If the person was born or died outside Arizona, go to the county website where the birth or death occurred or go to http://www.vitalrec.com
U.S. Bankruptcy Court (520) 202-7500
File for bankruptcy and search bankruptcy records.
110 S. Church Avenue Tucson, Arizona 85701 http://www.azb.uscourts.gov/
Pima County Recorders Office https://www.recorder.pima.gov/
Main Office: 240 N Stone Ave. Tucson, Arizona 85701 (520) 724-4350
Eastside Office: 6920 E. Broadway Blvd. Suite D, 85710 Tucson AZ (520) 724-4350
Record deeds here. You can also look at deeds that have been recorded in the past in Pima County. You can find the legal description, the previous owners, year sold, and any liens on the property. Each county has it’s own recorder’s office so contact the country recorder’s office in the county where the property is located.
Power of Attorney for health care forms
Arizona Attorney General’s Office https://www.azag.gov/
2005 N Central Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 85004 Pima county: (520) 628-6504. Maricopa county: (602) 542-2123. All other counties: (800) 352-8431 Print out power of attorney forms for health care decisions and living wills. They will need to be witnessed or notarized. If you mail copies to the AZ Secretary of State they will be kept on file so that in an emergency any doctor or hospital can access them. If you don’t mail them to the Secretary of State you can keep them at home and give copies to your family. Click on Seniors, then Life Care Planning, and choose the Complete Package. If you are married you will need a package for each of you. If you don’t have a printer they will mail them to you.
The attorney general doesn’t have a financial power of attorney form. You can find them online but be sure they are Arizona forms. Each state has different requirements. The attorney general’s office also handles complaints on civil rights violations and consumer scams.
Seniors and Children
Arizona Council on Aging (520) 790-7262 e-mail: help@pcoa.org
There is a help directory for seniors and others at https://www.pcoa.org/ways-we-help/directory/
Adult Protective Services, an agency of DES (Arizona Department of Economic Security),
To report abuse or neglect of a vulnerable adult (anyone over 18), including someone who is not taking care of themselves, call 1-877-767-2385 weekdays 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM and weekends and holidays 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
You can make a report online 24/7
Department of Child Safety (DCS)
If you suspect abuse or neglect of a minor anywhere in Arizona, you can call the toll free hotline at 1-888-767-2445. They are available 24/7. Or call the police or the sheriff in your area.
Sue Simmons is an Arizona mobile notary public in Tucson. Call 520-373-7715 or sue@tucsonnotarypro.com